What Off-Year??Local Elections Matter Even More!

There are no federal-level races on the ballot this year, but that doesn’t mean that elections don’t matter! In fact, some would say quite the opposite. Local leaders play a key role in making decisions about what impacts voters and their families most. 

The record-setting turnout of 2020 should be celebrated and built upon. To move forward together as a nation and emerge strong from the pandemic, we must keep participating in large numbers in upcoming state and local elections and exercising our freedom to vote. The more of us that cast a ballot in every election, the more we will have leaders who govern in our interests and make the promise of our democracy real for us all. The leaders we elect this Fall are the ones who manage issues such as schools, public transport, local policing, and more. It is up to us to register and vote in large numbers, so that we can hold them accountable and build a democracy at all levels of government that works best for all of us.

Local elections this year are also an important opportunity to make voting more of a habit for the many first-time voters of 2020, and to remind all Americans that elections are run, staffed, and executed by their friends and neighbors in their community. We can be proud of our longstanding tradition of democratic elections and trust in the integrity of the process, as evidenced in our community coming together to run and participate in local elections.

If you’re not registered to vote, click the button below to register online! If you’re not sure about your registration status, click below to find out if you are already registered.