How's That Working for You?
Hot Issues in Real Estate
Is your smart home or office also culturally sensitive? Do you have a seller client recording every showing with their trusty nanny cam? Are the property videos that you’ve been taking with your drone going viral?
There have been a lot of changes in real estate recently and this class looks at Trista’s Favorite Five:
- Website and application compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
- The Federal Aviation Administration’s new rules on Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Audio and video recordings of property showings
- The impact of the Fair Housing Act on new technology
- How state law decriminalization of marijuana and the Federal government enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act impacts real estate.
So, how are your current practices working for you?

Instructor: Trista Curzydlo
Trista is an attorney, real estate educator, nerd and occasional stay-at-home mom. She started her legal career in the Statehouse, as Assistant Legal Counsel to Kansas Governor Bill Graves. A desire to develop courtroom skills led her to the Office of the District Attorney for the 18th Judicial District of Kansas where she was an Assistant District Attorney. Her love for politics was here reason for going the Realtor® family as Government Affairs Director and Legal Counsel for a local association. It was there she saw the need for educational opportunities that focus on the regulation of the real estate industry. Trista now travels the country providing educational opportunities to real estate licensees.