Fair Housing Organizations

Fair housing organizations work in communities across the country, as well as at the state and national levels, to educate the public about fair housing, investigate claims of discrimination, and push for policies that promote housing rights. They work in partnership with governments and private housing providers to promote best practices to prevent discrimination and foster diverse, inclusive communities.

Let's Make Unfair Housing History

National Fair Housing Alliance

The National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) works to eliminate housing discrimination and to ensure equal housing opportunity for all people through leadership, education, research, public policy initiatives, community development, advocacy, and enforcement.

For additional information, visit nationalfairhousing.org

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

HUD provides housing support and uplifts communities. Find housing resources and assistance.

For additional information, visit hud.gov

Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity

The Fair Housing Project is one of CVOEO’s statewide Housing Advocacy Programs. CVOEO works to eradicate illegal housing discrimination and increase housing opportunity and choice in Vermont. Contact CVOEO for consultations, referrals, education, local housing committee support, and assessments and training related to affirmatively furthering fair housing and developing inclusive, affordable housing.

For additional information, visit nationalfairhousing.org

Vermont Human Rights Commission

Vermont Human Rights Commission enforces a number of anti-discrimination laws including the Fair Housing and Public Accommodations Act, and Fair Employment Practices Act (when the employer is a State agency). The Human Rights Commission can be reached at 1-800-416-2010.

For additional information, visit hrc.vermont.gov


The Housing Discrimination Law Project

Vermont Legal Aid, Inc. conducts fair housing testing; investigates housing discrimination complaints; represents individuals and groups in housing discrimination cases; conducts fair housing training and education; and advocates for inclusive, sustainable communities.  It also makes referrals to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Vermont Human Rights Commission. For more information about fair housing law, visit Vermont Law Help or call 1-800-889-2047.  

For additional information, visit vtlegalaid.org

Vermont Center for Independent Living

VCIL‘s mission is to empower Vermonters with disabilities, deaf Vermonters, and others to tear down the physical, communication, and attitudinal barriers that keep us from realizing our full human potential.

For additional information, visit vcil.org