On Demand Medical Care, Anytime, Anywhere

Take advantage of special pricing on NAR’s Members TeleHealth plan. Just $7 per month provides effective virtual healthcare for you and your family.

Members TeleHealth provides access to a network of more than 2,300 board-certified and U.S. state licensed physicians who are specially trained to address non-emergency medical issues via smartphone, tablet or computer.

To support members, NAR has negotiated a significantly-reduced rate on this plan. Just $7/month provides effective virtual healthcare for you and your family, with unlimited visits and no co-pays. As an additional benefit, the prior activation fee has also been waived.

Have your NRDS ID number handy. If you do not know your NRDS number, you may look it up here.

148 State Street  |  Montpelier, Vermont  |  05602

Phone: (802) 229-0513