The 'Bulldog Method' – How to Save Big Money on your Taxes Next Year

Why you’re overpaying on your taxes

According to Forbes magazine, there’s a 95% you’re overpaying on your taxes.   And not by a little bit.  But by hundreds of thousands of dollars over your lifetime. 
The reason is simple.  The tax code is very complex.   To fully know all the deductions that are legally allowed to you by the IRS…
You’d need someone on the inside. Someone who has insider knowledge on how the tax system really works. And was willing to share their insider secrets with the public. Well, that person exists. His name is Sandy Botkin.  
Sandy used to teach the tax code to other IRS tax attorneys. But Sandy left the IRS and now shares his insider knowledge with people like you and me.  And he’s hosting a FREE presentation about this very subject on September 7, 2021 @ 1 pm ET.  
During this valuable presentation, he’ll share what he calls the “Bulldog Method.”  He likes to call it that because he shares how to sniff out EVERY tax write-off that you’re entitled to.  
Here are some of the things Sandy will be sharing during this presentation:
  • The hard truth:  You are most likely overpaying on your taxes…even if you have an accountant (and what to do about it)
  • Why the wealthy actually consider summer “tax season” …and why you need to act now if you really want to save big
  • The 10 questions you need to ask before choosing an accountant… and why most people screw this up 
  • Exactly how to go about finding the right accountant for you (It’s WAY easier than you think, even though most people get it wrong)
  • Why most accountants have severe limitations…and how this ends up costing you hundreds-of-thousands of dollars over the years
  • The truth about why the wealthy pay less in taxes, and how you can use the same tactics while staying 100% compliant with the IRS
  • How you can legally hire your spouse or kids in order to claim massive savings on your tax liability
  • A little-known way to deduct ALL of your medical expenses (This alone is worth around $6,000 per year for most folks.) 
  • How to deduct your business equipment twice (Works for just about anybody!)
Why mixing business and pleasure might be your new favorite tax-saving strategy…and the reason you should probably be doing this more often
  • How to create a “Golden Roth IRA”… and how you can use this under-the-radar strategy to invest your retirement savings tax-free.  Plus, how my friend made $4MM in just a few years doing what I’m going to share with you
Accelerate the depreciation on your real estate…how my “cost segregation” tactic helps get you your depreciation deductions NOW instead of waiting 20+ years
  • Why the rich ALWAYS use a tactic I call the “Double Barrel Method”… and how you can do the same to write off 2 vehicles at once
Again, this FREE presentation packed with tons of money-saving content is on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 1 pm ET.
All you need to do is register!