Vermont COVID Emergency Mortgage Assistance program

What are the eligibility requirements?
- Homeowners living in Vermont as their primary residence
- Mortgage entered before March 1, 2020 (home-equity loans and reverse mortgage are NOT eligible)
- Missed payments since March 1, 2020 due to a COVID-19 hardship
- Income for all borrowers up to $84,000 in 2020 or up to $21,000 total income in the last 90 days. For homeowners in Chittenden County this limit is $96,000 in 2020 or $24,000 in the last 90 days.
- Eligible even if the mortgage is already in forbearance or deferment
- This is a mortgage foreclosure prevention program so only those households with mortgages are eligible to receive assistance with property taxes.
148 State Street | Montpelier, Vermont | 05602
Phone: (802) 229-0513