Free Webinar: How to Navigate and Maximize Facebook to Bring You More Business

How to Navigate and Maximize Facebook to Bring You More Business Webinar

Are you struggling with staying relevant and engaging on Facebook? With Facebook’s algorithm changes, it can be more difficult to know what to post and how to gain the most traction (and leads!) In this webinar, hosted by social media strategist, speaker and author, Katie Lance, we cover how to: get intentional with your personal Facebook profile to keep in touch more effectively with your past clients (and generate more referrals), how to maximize Facebook Live and Facebook Stories to create unique and valuable content, how to leverage your Facebook Business Page and Facebook Ads to generate and attract the leads you want to work with, how to create a Facebook content strategy that will help you save time and much more. You won’t want to miss out on this webinar – check it out!

You will learn:

• How to maximize your Facebook personal profile, business pages, ads, Facebook Live and stories
• How to create a smart Facebook strategy and stand out in the News feed
• How to generate leads with Facebook
• and more!

This webinar is approximately 50 minutes.

About the Speaker:

Katie Lance is the CEO and Owner of Katie Lance Consulting – a social media-marketing firm. With more than fifteen years of marketing and branding experience, Katie specializes in working with companies to help develop and implement their social media and content strategy.

Katie is a nationally known and highly sought-after keynote speaker at conferences across the globe; teaching the latest tools and strategies in social media, mobile and technology trends. Katie is also a business coach to entrepreneurs, small business owners and real estate professionals. Her signature group social media coaching program #GetSocialSmart has received accolades from industry peers across the globe.

Price: $29.95  //  Realtor® Member Price: $0.00

148 State Street  |  Montpelier, Vermont  |  05602

Phone: (802) 229-0513